Some Super Food That Will Change Your Life

Hye Everyone, As we all know that in today’s hustle and bustle we forget ourselves, we don’t pay attention on food and drinks, we don’t pay attention to our lifestyle. This is the main reason why we get different types of diseases. Like Fatigue, Indigestion, Blood Pressure, Swelling, Thyroid, stomach pain, Dehydration, Insomnia, Heart disease, Hormone imbalance. To avoid these disease, we have brought some tips which you can follow while working. Some super foods that if you consume them, you will say goodbye to medicines.
Some disease and their Home remedy
1- Fatigue: Fatigue is common thing in today’s life. People are very busy in their works, from waking up in the morning and sleeping late at night whole life has changed because of these the person is not able to do rest at all.
Way to relief Fatigue
- a. Do proper excercise.
- b. Eat a balanced diet
- c. Drink more and more water
- d. Get Enough sleep
- e. Take a bath with warm water
Super Food that we eat to avoid Fatigue : a- Roasted Chick peas (gram) – Many nutrient like Protein, Fiber, Iron, Potassium are found in roasted gram. b- 5-6 Almond ,c-Walnut, d- Herbel tea
2- Indigestion: In indigestion we feel pain in stomach, burning sensation in the stomach, nausea, feeling of fullness in the stomach. When we have indigestion we can’t eat anything and feel like vomiting.
Indigestion occur many things like:
- a- Some times eating too much food, oily foods, Spicy foods, Drinking alcohol, Junk foods.
- b- by taking too much medicines, by taking digestive tablets, Edible salt etc.
- c- It occurs when there is lots of stress.
- d- Being overweight, pregnancy, food poisioning.
Super food that we eat to avoid indigestion: Ginger, Lemon juice, Basil (Tulsi), Celery (Ajwain), Asafoetida (Hing), Papaya, herbal tea.
3- Blood Pressure: blood pressure is a disease when the blood leaving the heart exerts pressure on the walls of the arteries.
Blood pressure may occur many things like:
- a- Stress
- b- Consuming too much salt
- c- Being overweight
- d- Drugs
- e- Alcohol and smoking.
- f- Lack or physical activities and lack of exercise.
Super foods that we eat to avoid disease like blood pressure: Roti made from wheat and chick pea flour, Watermelon, Drink lots of water, chicken and fish.
Other activities: Do exercise,Keep blood pressure checked, get enough sleep, Seek doctor’s advice, do running and jogging.
4- Thyroid: There is a butterfly shape gland in the lower part of the neck. It helps to control harmones. This gland increase or decrease harmones.
Thyroid may occur many things:
- a- Pregnancy
- b- Harmonal imbalance
- c- Diabetes
- d- Depression, stress
- e- Eating junk and oily food
Super foods that we eat : Nuts dry fruits, Sorgum roti (jwar ki roti), Eggs, Oranges.
Foods that we avoid: Rice and breads, Sea foods, Fatty and oily foods, pickle, Wine.
Other Activities: Should take sun bath, Linseeds powder should be consume, Seek Doctor’s advice.
When to see a Doctor
It is important that if we have any disease, we should concern the doctor and not let the disease grow. Otherwise these disease can leads to death. And at the same time to keep follows these home remedies. Do exercise more and more, Eat healthy foods, and take oral medication.
Fighting all these diseases is very challenging, to avoid all these we will have to adopt the right path. To avoid all these we will have to adopt home remedies and good diet. You’ll have some patience, and always listen to your doctor. And if you need to information about any disease you can write to us in the comment below.
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