Home Remedy: Some Easy Tips To Stop Hair Fall

Hye everyone, As we all know, Hair Fall becomes occurrence after a certain age. But now a days hair fall starts from very younge age. And then to get rid of it we try different tricks or we try to hide it. But nothing works.
You are not the only one who is facing this problem, there are many people who are troubled by the problem,So now you guys rest assured because I have done a lot of research on this and have used some home remedies. Which will be useful for you.
Mistakes that causes Hair Fall
Before knowing the remedies, we should pay attention to some things as to what is the reason of our hair fall, there can be many reasons for Hair Fall like stress, dust, hormonal imbalance, haircare chemical products. If we identify these roots then it will be easy for us and we will be able to find solutions to these problems.
Some Easy and natural Home Remedies:
Let’s try something natural and safe. Which can help you without causing any harm.
1: Oil and Camphor
- This remedy is coming from the time of our grand mothers and great grand mothers.
- Mixture: Take little amount of camphor 3 table spoon of oil and mix it in a bowl.
- Apply: Apply it gently to your head with your finger tips.
- Time: Wait for 1 hour and then rinse.
Tips: It helps relief dandruff and itching. And make your hair healthy.
2: Yogurt and Lemon :
- Mixture: Squeeze a few drops of lemon in curd and mix it well.
- Apply: Apply it gently on the hair. (not in the roots)
- Wash : Wash it off after it dries for a while.
3: Egg :
- Eggs contains a lot or protein which helps in preventing Hair Fall and makes the hair thicker and stronger.
- Mixture: Whisk 2 eggs
- Apply : Apply it on your hair. and leave it for 20-30 minutes.
- Wash: Wash with mild shampoo.
4: Egg and Aloe Vera:
- Mixture: Whisk 2 eggs and add 2 teaspoons of fresh aloevera gel and mix it well.
- Apply: Apply it on your hair and leave it for 30 minutes.
- Wash : Then rinse it with mild shampoo.
5: Coconut Oil :
- How to apply: Heat coconut oil in a bowl and let it become lukewarm. When it become lukewarm, massage it on the head.
- Wash: Wash it off in the next morning.
Tips for how to make your hair healthy:
Here some tips which can be useful in your daily life so that your hair can grow and make it healthy.
- Massage your hair with lukewarm oil before shampooing.
- Always tie your hair, always cover your hair if you are going out.
- Do not comb wet hair ease it may break.
- Give steam to your hair 4-5 times in a month.
- Maintain a heathy diet and do exercise daily.
- Stay away from stress.
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