5 Reasons for Irregular Menstruation

mensturation cycle

Menstruationperiod is a natural bleeding from vagina. A woman’s body has a natural menstruation cycle. As soon as the lining of the uterus is break, it turn into blood. This blood flows ot through vagina. It is called menstrual cycle. Some womam menstruate every 28 or 30 days. Because of this, many changes are seen in the body of women. Every womam’s menstruation occurs in different periods. Menstruation lasts for about 3 or 7 days. When menstruation occurs, other symptoms like pain are felt. When a women becomes pregnant, menstruation stops.

What are the symptoms of Menstruation:

  1. Cramping or Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Feeling Irritable.
  3. Insomnia
  4. Feeling fullness in the stomach.
  5. Feeling tired and exhausted.

Important Note:

Many women complain that their menstruation does not occur on time. The most common reason for missing menstruation is pregnancy.

Due to these reasons menstruation gets delayed:

  1. Stress: Stress affects the body in many ways, includes menstruation. Stress reduces the amount of Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). Due to this menstruation does not occurs. To keep yourself healthy, exercise regularly and consult a doctor.
  2. Diseases: Menstruation cycle can also be delayed due to fever, cold, cough or prolonged and major illness.
  3. Due to change in routine: Due to changes in eating habits and being full, we have to eat and drinks different types of foods. Whenever our daily routine gets fixed on time, our menstruation is also get on time.
  4. Obesity: Due to obesity, menstruation does not occur on time. Obesity is occurs due to many reasons. Such as stress and thyroid issues.
  5. Menopause (meh-nuh-pawz) : Menopause occurs when a woman’s ovaries has stop producing harmones and menstruation stops.

What to do if menstruation is irregular:

If your menstruation cycle are irregular then these are some home remedies by which your menstruation cycle can become regular on time. Some medicine are also available for this, but you can also control your menstruation cycle with home remedies.

1- CELERY (Ajwain):

  1. Boil 6 gm of celery in in 150 ml of water
  2. When it boils, Filter it and keep it in a bottle
  3. Drink this water 3 times a day.

2- RAW PAPAYA: This is easiest solution, With the help of Raw Papaya Menstruation comes quickly. There is a substances in Raw Papaya which causes contraction in the uterus. Due to contraction period comes early.

  1. Drink Raw papaya juice.
  2. Eat Raw Papaya daily between menstruation cycle.

3- Ginger: Ginger is one of the most powerful remedies to bring on menstruation. Although it may also have side effects. Ginger produced gas. However, if your periods are quite delayed then you can try tea made with Celery and Ginger. This will get your work done.

4- Coriander: Coriander seeds are also a better solution for irregular menstruation cycle. Before your period Boil 1 teaspoon coriander seeds in two cups of water then filter it and drink it three times a day.

5- Fennel (saunf): You can also get your periods early by using fennel scented tea.

  1. Keep two spoon of fennel seeds in a glass of water over night then filter it and drink it in the morning.
  2. Consuming this fennel water in the morning on an empty stomach gives more benefits.

6- Fenugreek seeds: Boil fenugreek seeds in water then filter it and then drink it. This remedy has also been recommended by many experts.

7- Pomegranate: Start drinking Pomegranate juice 3 times a day 15 days before your menstruation cycle. This will make your menstruation come sooner.

8- Sesame Seeds: Use Sesame seeds 15 days before your regular date. It is very hot and hence can harm you. Take sesame seeds with honey 2-3 times a day.

9- Citrus Fruits: Consume fruits like Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Amla which contains abundant amounts of Vitamin C. This increase progesterone levels, which is the period inducing hormone.

These remedies will provide relief from period pain:

Due to change in lifestyle, Pollution and change in diet, the problem of severe pain during period is very common among women today. Even though there are alternatives to pain killer medicines for immediate relief from this problem, many times women hesitate in taking these medicines without medical consultation.

In such situation there are many home remedies, which can be adopted to get relief from severe pain during menstruation. They neither have a side effect or nor they are very expensive.

1- Celery: Often gastric problem increase in women during periods, due to which there are severe pain in the stomach. Consumption of celery is very effective in dealing with this.

  1. Mixing half a teaspoon of celery and half a teaspoon of salt and drink it.
  2. Apart from this drinking juice made from celery and beetroot, carrot and cucumber during menstruation also does not cause pain.

2- Ginger: Consumption of ginger is also provide immediate relief from pain during periods.

  1. Finely chop a piece of ginger and boil it in a cup of water, if you wish, add sugar to it as per taste.
  2. Consume it after meals three times a day.

3- Dairy Products: Consumption of milk and milk products is very important for women. Women who are deficient in calcium in their body have more problems related to menstruation.

4Basil: Basil leaves is an excellent natural pain killer which can be taken without hesitation in case of period pain. The caffeic acid present in it provides relief from pain. In such a situation, drinking basil leaves mixed with tea also provides relief during pain.

5- Hot Water Bag: To get relief from period pain, warm the stomach and waist with a hot water bag. This will provide immediate relief.

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